11.7.2007 | 09:50
Iceland, I am home...
I am going to write in english,while I am in Iceland, so that my family (Tim and my four babies) can read what I am up to while I am here...
I am home...although home is where the heart is, and my heart is definetely with my family, I am still home in my birthplace, my home for the first twenty years of my life... Could life get any better? I really don´t think so. If it wasn´t for my future husband, Tim, I would not be able to be here. I truly believe that God made and gave Tim to me, for all the right things that I ever did in life, Tim is my reward. It is unbeliavable to be so far away from my house and family, and still be able to relax completely, that is all because of Tim. I have so many blessings in my life right now, and I do not take any of them for granted
My first day in Iceland was beyond amazing. I had told my friends that I would bring the sun with me, and did I ever? The sun was beaming, the wind was hardly, and the company was golden. Of course first things first... After 36 hours on the road, and one and a half hour sleep, I slept for about ten hours... All day long, I was out of it...the time difference, the language, the view...God, it is good to be home. My friends Elin and Omar picked me up from the airport, and were they a sight for sore eyes... They look as young as ever, they have been my friends since I was seventeen years old, Elin used to be my boss at Myllan bakery, and Omar is her husband, and they are truly soulmates, they are perfect for each other. They have been together for like, twenty years, and they are still so in love, so cute together, they really are the golden couple, in my eyes. I told Elin when I first met Tim that I had found my Omar...I always wanted a soulmate, and I found mine...
They live in a very nice apartment, and are doing really good in life. They have two boys, Atli Rafn and Hjalti Freyr. I can tell that a lot of time has passed my just looking at the boys, they are tall and handsome. Blond and blue eyed boys, icelandic beauty at its hight. Elin and Omar took their vacation a couple of days early, just to spend some time with me (I told you they were awesome friends), and they took me to Bæjarins Bestu...only the best hot dogs in the country are found there (yes, baby, even better than the ones I make at home...). Oh, my God, that hot dog truly was the best I have had in three years, since I was here last... Then we walked around down town a little bit, and sat down at Austurvelli, and had ourselves a cold one... I got sunburned Yes, I am in Iceland, but I got sunburned from sitting outside for about an hour, the sun is so strong here, ´cause there is no pollution, so even the weather was sunny and the temperature was only 75 Fahrenheit, I got sunburned. Yes, baby, I did put on some sunscreen
After some fun in the sun, we went to Bónus and I bought a bag full of candy (I am not kidding, it truly was full). Then we went back home, and Omar grilled some lamb and baked potatoes for me, and the taste of that was truly HEAVENLY... Unbeliavable, how good food can taste. We actually sat outside and dined, and the view wasn´t bad, the Atlantic ocean with the evening sun, HEAVENLY. Then I crashed, and I am up early today...I am getting used to the icelandic time pretty fast, it is easier for me, if my babies were with me, they would tell me, it is not time to go to bed, it is still daytime outside... Today will be busy, I am making an american breakfast for my friends, then I have to go drop some things off for my friends Vera and Iris (of course I didn´t forget about my responsibilities...), pick up a rental car, and then drive up to the International airport, I have had my day in the sun, I am coming back home In one week, but I am picking up my uncle Oli and auntie Heiða, they are coming from Sweden. Then I am sure we will go back to Bæjarins Bestu, have a hot dog, run a few errands, and then we will head on home to my real birthplace, HÖFN. There my grandparents live, and a lot of my family on my mother´s side. I really can´t wait to see my grandpa´and grandma´. My grandma´will be home later on today, so that is really good news.
I will be in Höfn for the next four days, and then I will be back to Reykjavík. I will try to blog while I am there, but if not, I will blog some more on Sunday...Tim, Jasmine, Janae, Kalli, and Mikaela, I really hope that you are reading my words, I hope that you are having fun...Are you guys following the chart???? I know you are all taking good care of Tim and each other for me, and it is so good to talk to you guys every day. I promise you, when I come home we will have a lot of fun for the rest of the summer, I am going to be the best mom EVER, I truly miss you guys, and I already have bought some surprises for you No, I won´t tell you what it is, I will show you in how many days? Seven, that´s right, Mikaela. I love you all extremely much, and I miss you all extremely much, and I am so proud of you guys, because you are all big and strong kids, and you are doing a really good job of taking care of each other, we are a strong family, and in only seven days, we will all be together again, our family will be complete. And we get to play MONOPOLY, go to RAGING WATERS, and all kinds of other things that I have planned for us
I love you more than words can explain, fingers can type, and hugs can show. You are all the most important people to me in the world, and I am so very proud of you all. Listen, be good, and give your dad lots and lots of hugs, he needs them just as much as you guys do It´s true, and hey, I will talk to you guys a little later today... I cannot wait to see you in about seven days, we go together like shamawhamalama wikidikidi, together forever like shuwabbuwadabada dingididingiti..
Elsku sæta skvís :)
Búið að vera rosalega mikið að gera hérna og verður meira. Núna er ég loksis komin í frí og mamma er komin í heimsókn. Svo er ekki langt þar til ég mæti sjálf á klakann, en ég get varla beðið.
Vona að þú sért að skemta þér vel og að þetta sé vellukkuð ferð til Íslands.
Knús og kossar
Kolla letihaugur :)
Kolla, 14.7.2007 kl. 15:30
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.